The caption on the front cover of the survival medicine handbook describes it as a “guide for when medical help is NOT on the way”. We have the much smaller ‘wilderness and travel medicine‘ for quick reference and immediate action covering all of the injuries or illnesses that we are likely to encounter. We have also read and keep a copy of this survival medicine handbook as the procedures detailed in here covers all possible medical issues from the assumption that you are the end of the line.
In almost all circumstances we should be able to use a combination of quick first aid and modern telecommunications to seek attention from a medical professional. There are however several scenarios in which a broken down van and/or lack of phone reception could leave us in a situation where we mainly only have each other to treat serious wounds or injuries.
Covering everything from medical kit, through infections, natural disasters major traumas and chronic medical problems as well as a thorough reference guide to over-the-counter and prescription medications along with natural and herbal remedies. We are thankful that as of yet we have not needed the survival medicine handbook but it is comforting to know that it is there if needed and may very well save our lives one day.
As an after thought and as someone who likes to think he would be prepared for the fall of Western society this book is also an essential part of any Prepper’s library.
The Survival Medicine Handbook: A guide for when help is NOT on the way
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