Not much more needs said about the LifeSaver than just that; it’s an absolute life saver! Instead of carrying supplies of clean water or foul tasting limited water purification tablets this one compact bottle is enough to supply 10,000 L (or about 10 years worth) of clean drinking water. It guarantees that from any fresh water source it will provide the same standard of water as the EU regulations dictate for drinking. Robust, light and simple to use this is one piece of kit that for hiking, canoeing, cycling, over-landing or travelling in any form I would now never be without.
It is always great to know that whether from a tap in a foreign country you do not trust or a lake or river when out in the wilds you always have a nearly unlimited source of clean, fresh drinking water.
Available in 3 kinds:
The straw: The lightest and easiest to use, perhaps the best to use for solo travel or hiking.
The Bottle: Our choice, as it’s practical for a weekend on the lake as for day-to-day use when travelling.
The Jerry Can: The biggest of all the LifeSaver products, this one 20 L can would be enough to give a family of 4 clean drinking water for 10 years. Great for group expeditions or just to keep in your basement awaiting the fall of western society.
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