1996 Unimog u 140 L 164.000 kilometers only.
This has been converted in to a mobile welding rig it is only one of a kind with a lot of extras , it would make an ideal expedition vehicle ,it is fitted with a hydraulic operated hood which rises and retracts to gain access with a hydraulic operated back step also which folds up underneath body to maintain ground clearance at all times .It has a winch fitted to the front which can be operated from the cab or the control can be pluged out and pluged in at a location in the front bumper if need be. It has three seats in cab with the drivers and passengers been fitted with air seats for maximum comfort .It has a tow hitch which can be attached when need be and taken off when not with the aid of just one pin.stainless steel ladder to gain access to roof rack.This unimog was fully refurbished with all new brakes ,suspension uprated with two sets of rear back coil springs to carry extra weight ,all oils in diffs ,axels , gear box and transfer boxes changed , full under body spray and body spray in metallic grey.
Video can be seen on website (www.woodstockwelding.com) under mobile welding rigs of it at work in the mountain side.
Content Not Included.
Price is €29,500
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