A solid axe is a must for any expedition or vital self-respecting outdoors man

In our experience, some of  the best made on the market are the Hultafors range. Hutafors make a beautiful hand-made axe for every use. For our purposes, and for general overland travel we chose the medium sized and very versatile ‘Hunter’. This model features a hand-forged steel head on a perfectly shaped hickory shaft and is supplied with an extremely high quality leather sheath. It is large enough to fell medium sized trees, chop most logs while retaining relative compact size and light-weight. So it can be thrown in a backpack for hiking or camping. The curved blade and rounded back also make it perfect for skinning an animal should that be your wish.

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The rest of the range includes;

For felling trees or splitting particularly large logs the heavy-duty Hultafors felling axe would be the choice for you. Great for larger expedition vehicles who may need to clear logs or branches from their path. Or for home use if you have a log fire.